Cox-2 inhibitors: where are we ?

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Table of Contents

Cox-2 inhibitors: where are we ? 

Cox-2 inhibitors: where are we ? 

Overview of celecoxib clinical trials

Phase III Pivotal OA Trials : Study Design

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Phase III Pivotal OA Trials Patient’s Assessment of Arthritis Pain

Combined WOMAC outcomes from 3 OA Studies n = ~600 per treatment group

Pain Measure Questionnaire of the American Pain Society (APS)

Patient’s assessment of average arthritis pain in last 24h

Patient’s Assessment of Pain

Efficacy of celecoxib 200 mg once a day (qd) in OA

Phase III RA Trial Design

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Celecoxib (200 mg 2x/d) vs Diclofenac (75 mg SR 2X/d) in RA (6 months)

Number of tender / painful joints 6 Months International Study in RA

Why do need Cox-2 inhibitors ?

Adverse Effects of common NSAIDs

NSAIDs toxicity 

NSAID Ulcers and Ulcer Complications

GI mortality associated with typical NSAIDs vs other causes in US (1of 2)

GI mortality associated with typical NSAIDs vs other causes in US (2 of 2)

Deaths attributed to anti-rheumatic medication (series of 1666 patients with RA)

Most patients are asymptomatic prior to a serious NSAID-associated GI event ...

Pharmaco-epidemiological studies in Europe NSAIDs and GI events

The Tayside study

The Tayside Record Linkage System

NSAID Induced GI Complications - Constant Risk

*NSAIDs - Relative Risk of GI Complications

Upper GI complications in Europe

Meloxicam : clinically significant GI events 

Meloxicam : influence of the dose

This is why ...

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The Discovery of the role of cyclooxygenase

Conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins

Mapping of the cyclooxygenase active site

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All conventional NSAIDs have a similar mechanism of action ...

All conventional NSAIDs have a similar mechanism of action ...

All conventional NSAIDs have a similar mechanism of action ...

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Discovery of two forms of cyclooxygenase

Effect of IL-1 and dexamethasone on human fibroblast COX activity

COX-2: a new anti-inflammatory drug target

Structures of COX-1 and COX-2

Conventional NSAIDs inhibit both COX-1 and COX-2

Chemistry and Activity

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Pharmacochemical determinants in “coxibs”

Fitting “coxibs” in cyclooxygenases ...

Why do “coxibs” bind so tightly to cycoloxygenase-2 ?

Why do “coxibs” fail to inhibit cyclooxygenase-1 ?

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Selectivity and specificity of Cox-inhibitors (Lipsky et al, Editorial, J. Rheumatol, 1998, 25, 2298-2303)

Specificity of coxibs in real life ...

Categories of COX Inhibitors

Rat Adjuvant Arthritis Model

Reversal of inflammation in rat adjuvant arthritis

Selectivity of COX Inhibitors in vivo

Specificity of Celecoxib in vivo

Specificity of COX inhibitors In Vivo

Selective cyclooxygenase inhibitors

In vivo Specificity of SC-560

Effect of celecoxib or naproxen on prostanoid levels in normal and inflamed tissue (carageenan)

Inhibition of COX-1 is not anti-inflammatory or analgesic

Specific COX-1 inhibition does not inhibit inflammation-induced PGE2 levels in CSF

Model for COX-1 and COX-2 derived prostaglandins in inflammation and pain


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Pharmacokinetic profile in special populations

Potential drug interactions ...

Actual results of drug interaction studies

Celecoxib platelet effects

Gastrointestinal Safety and Tolerability Celecoxib vs NSAIDs

Phase III Endoscopy Safety Trials Mucosal Grading Scale

Phase III Endoscopy Safety Trials Baseline Demographics - Study in OA

Phase III Endoscopy Safety Trials Baseline Demographics - Study in RA

Incidence of gastroduodenal ulcers - week 12 Celecoxib - Phase III RA and OA UGI Safety Trials

Incidence of erosions / ulcers in patients with OA

Incidence of Erosions / Ulcers in Patients with RA

Cumulative Incidence of Gastric Ulcers

Abdominal Pain Moderate-Severe

Assessment of adverse events in relation to age

Localization of COX-1 and COX-2 in the kidneys

Conclusions from Renal Function Assessments

Shall we have a bright future ?

Shall we have a bright future ?

Author: Paul M. Tulkens 


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