INTRACELLULAR ANTI-INFECTIVES: is it important for efficacy and do we need to care for toxicity ?


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Table of Contents

INTRACELLULAR ANTI-INFECTIVES: is it important for efficacy and do we need to care for toxicity ?

Which and Where are intracellular bacteria ?

These they are…

Here they are ...

Which PK/PD parameters to take in consideration ?

1st PK question : accumulation in cells ?

2d PK question : retention ?

3d PK question : subcellular localization ?

4th PK question : Re-distribution ?

1st PD question: expression of activity ?

2d PD question: bacterial responsiveness ?

3d PD question: cooperation host defenses ? (a) cell bactericidal mechanisms

3d PD question: cooperation host defenses ? (b) cytokines

PPT Slide

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Which PK/PT parameters to take in consideration ?

PPT Slide

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PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Author: Paul M. Tulkens


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